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Fun Jargon on a Film Set

What is film jargon you’ll hear on a film/video set?

Every industry has its jargon.  Doctors use terms like “stat,” cops call people “perps” or “skells.” The film and video business are no different so I have put together a list of film terms to help you be in the know on a film or video set.

  • Abbey Singer: 2nd to last shot of the day named after the famous AD who often called out the last shot of the day and it wasn’t.
  • Apple or Apple Box: wooden boxes in different sizes to help raise things up and make short actors appear taller.Baby: a 1000 watt light
  • Back to 1: This tells crew and cast to return their beginning marks.
  • Blond: A 2000 watt light.
  • Bullets: see C-47.
  • C-47: A clothespin which is used to clip gels onto lights.
  • Continuity: A person who keeps track actions and items from shot to shot.
  • C-Stand: A stand used to support grip stuff like flags for the lights.
  • Crafty: A the person who serves snacks on a set.
  • Crossing: This is what you say this when you cross in front of the camera.
  • Day Player: A crew member brought in to fill in for a day or two.
  • Deep focus: A shot with nearly everything in focus.
  • Dutch Angle: A tilted or canted angle shot.
  • Flashing: You say this when taking a flash picture on set.
  • Flying in: When somebody or prop is rushed to set.
  • Furnie blanket: A moving or furniture blanket used damp sound or cushion things.
  • Gary Coleman: This is a very short c-stand.
  • Grace: To ask the crew for a couple extra minutes before breaking for lunch.
  • Hot Points: Grips announce this while carrying item which can poke an eye out.
  • Juicer: A electrician that helps power lights.
  • Last Looks: Announcing the hair and make-up has one final chance for touch-ups on actors.
  • Last Man:  The last person to get lunch.
  • Magic Hour: The last hour of the day when the sun is on the horizon.
  • Marini: The last shot of the day.
  • Pancake: A very skinny apple box.
  • Picture’s Up:  Filming is about to begin.
  • Scripty: The continuity person.
  • Sides: Small copies of the script pages for the day’s shoot.
  • Stinger: The extension cords.
  • Striking: This is announced before turning on a film light.
  • Talent: The actors on set.
  • Video Village: The area for the monitors for director and producer.

So now if you find yourself on a film set, you’ll understand all the lingo being bantered around.

If you want to work with us and use some of these cool terms, contact me at: scott@productionpartnersmedia.com

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